How to Check Website Errors

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Published on 26 October 2022

How to Check Website Errors


Website errors are common, but most website owners are unaware of the problem. A website error is any action that prevents a site from functioning normally. Many website users have trouble accessing the Internet, so they don't know how to fix the most common errors. Here's what you need to know about website errors:

  1. Non-responsive Website.
    Depending on the type of website you have, web traffic can be more than 50% of the total traffic. Customers not only surf the Internet from a laptop, PC or desktop computer, they can connect from any device anywhere, and nothing better than a mobile device for it. Smartphones and tablets are part of their daily life to consume information.
  2. Website too slow. 
    Your website loads slowly or its browsing speed is slow. This is because the information it contains is very heavy, for example, images and photographs are not compressed and increase the slowness of web pages to load the information requested by the user. Tools such as Photoshop and ImageOptim help to compress photographs without losing quality.
  3. Have the website optimized for the main search engines, SEO.
    One of the main points when creating a website is to have it optimized for the main search engines. 
    - Your web site must not have web programming errors.
    - Your site must have a sitemap
    - Your site must have a robot.txt file that must be well configured, where the pages of your site that are accessible and those that are not are indicated.
    - Configure within each page of your site the titles, descriptions and main headers.
    - Do not have duplicate content.
    - Have the right amount of text per article or page clearly referring to a specific topic or keyword.
    - Do not have duplicate content or copy from other web pages.
    There are many points to take into account, in this article about SEO we explain a little better.
  4. Do not use analysis tools such as Google Analytics or Google Webmaster Tools.
    It is necessary to install in any web page advanced analysis tools that give exhaustive data about all the users that interact with the web. This information will be useful to improve a website on a daily basis.
    The amount of information provided by Google Analytics or Google Webmaster Tools is very extensive. You can see the growth of your page as time goes by, such as positioning by keywords, position within the Google search engine, websites that link to you, visits from current users indicating the time and place of origin. Installing Analytics and Web Master Tools is very easy, it only takes a few minutes and its advantages are unlimited.
  5. Low quality Web server.
    In general, hosting or the place where a web page is hosted is not of much interest to companies, but this is a mistake that can cause many problems in the future. A low quality web server can give many problems, such as a frequently down website, slow website speed, sharing the same site with other spam websites, that is to say, having the same IP as spam websites. All this can lead to your domain being banned in the long run and you will be forced to buy another domain name.
    5. Website without privacy policy or Cookies notice.
    It is mandatory for companies to have a Privacy Notice, i.e., a section in which the user is informed of the limits and scope of their personal data left on the website. On the other hand, in most places in the world it is also mandatory to have a notice indicating the cookies collected by the website, as long as it is the first time you visit the site, giving the possibility that these can be accepted.
    There are many free or paid sites where you can generate these notices, having them is much easier than losing a website in the future for something so simple.
  6. Clear domain name or website.
    You should always choose a domain name that is easy to read, easy to remember, that any user can easily remember so that they can return to your site whenever they want by simply typing it in. You have to find a domain name that has no pronunciation problems, that your customers will understand when you try to give them your web address.
  7. Not having a contact form or it does not work.
    Having a contact form is essential on any site as it speeds up the communication process between customers and your company. It is always positive to have a form in the contact section and another form always visible on the home page, like a banner or pop-up window that helps anyone to contact you in case of any question about your company.

If you already have your site and you don't have the administration of the domain and hosting, ask for it right now to the person or company that made it and avoid future problems.
A website error can be caused by many different issues. Poor planning, bad design and data deficits are the most common errors. They are easy to spot because they affect the entire website. You can fix these problems by making simple changes, such as adding text or updating images. 
Having an error-free website improves your site's reputation and usability. Your site will be more useful if it has no problems. People expect websites to run smoothly, but this is not always the case. Fixing website errors makes your website much more reliable for users. It also makes it easier for search engines to find your content. People depend on websites for their daily needs, so it's critical that they work properly.
You can find out how often a website is failing by looking at web analytics. Analytics are programs that collect information about visitors to your site. Each visitor sends data to the program about their region, age, browser and other details. You can also use this information to find out how many people visit your site and what they do while they are there. This information will help you improve your site and allow you to access blocked areas of the planet.
Making sure your site is error-free is important to both users and search engines. People trust websites more than other sources of information when they do not work properly. In addition, fixing website errors makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index them correctly. Most website errors are easy to fix with a few minor changes. Keep revising your site until you completely correct any problems you have.

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