How to Check Broken Links of a Website

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Published on 23 January 2023

How to Check Broken Links of a Website

Why is it important to have quality links on a website?

Online marketing is one of the most helpful tools for businesses to gain new customers and promote their products. However, without quality links from trusted websites, your website will appear unranked in search engines. Needless to all you do, search engines will not index your webpage without quality links. Additionally, if you have a blog or social media accounts, you should make sure all links work so readers can easily access your content. Essentially, you must maintain an impeccable online presence.

What is a quality link for search engines?

Search engines have their own guidelines on what they consider a quality link. Basically, a quality link is one from a high-authority website in your niche. Additionally, the website should be relevant to your niche and should have plenty of natural backlinks pointing to it. Additionally, you should avoid link farms where individuals post links to your webpage without any intention of repairing them. Essentially, broken links hurt the online presence of websites and blogs. Therefore, it's important to prevent broken links by monitoring your links regularly.

How to avoid broken backlinks

Broken links can be difficult to repair since the person who submitted the link may be unable to access the website's login details. However, there are ways around this problem if you're determined enough. First off, you can search for the website's IP address and contact the site owner directly about fixing the broken link. Alternatively- and this is probably best- you can find another website that has the same content as the broken link and ask them to host your webpage instead. This process is called 'fixing a broken link' and involves finding another website with similar content and requesting they swap out links with yours. The person uploading the new webpage should contact both websites and ask them to swap links with theirs- after all, both want their webpage to rank higher in searches. Having multiple pages linking to your webpage helps improve its rankings in search results.

Broken links harm search engine rankings and online presence for any website or blog lacking quality links. To repair these links, check other websites or blogs that host the same content as yours or ask other websites to host your webpage when possible. Otherwise, contact the owner of the broken link and offer to swap links with them if possible. Either way works if you are determined enough! 

How to detect broken backlinks on a website

One way to detect broken links from other websites is to use the backlink checker. From the lookkle home page we search for our main domain name. We will get as a search result a list of websites that link directly to our site, then, we enter each of these pages and see if really our website is correctly linked or if it is simply a broken link that once worked and link us and nowadays no longer does, which can seriously affect the SEO of our website, and make us lose positions in the major search engines.
We can also make a check of each of these pages with the official checker of broken links lookkle introducing each of these pages and detect possible errors of broken links, so, in the case of contacting the person responsible for the website, we can indicate all the broken links that has your site, in addition to indicate the broken link that interests us, which obviously will be the one that goes to our website.

We must not have broken links on our website.

We must take into account that we do not make the same mistake that these web sites, that is to say, we must not have in our web page broken links towards other pages, or even broken links to internal pages of our web site, this, in the same way also will have a negative repercussion to our web site, since to have a page with links that do not take to any part can give a bad impression to possible users that are navigating by our site, and that we are giving instructions him on links that do not exist.
We can analyze our website with the broken link checker lookkle, this will make us a complete analysis of the web page entered and tell us that we have broken links on our page, so that we can correct them. Similarly, we will also make an analysis of links to images that we also have broken, something useful if we want all the images on our page load correctly and give us a good impression for potential users who visit our site.

Link building is an essential part of online marketing

Link building is an essential part of almost all online marketing efforts. Many successful internet marketers have built successful careers by promoting websites and content to targeted audiences. Broken links plague the internet at a constant rate. Most internet users have experienced a web page that simply does not exist- but should. Checking for broken links is a regular part of web maintenance. However, it's also a crucial step to take if your website has a problem.

Causes of broken links on a website

A broken link occurs when a website link fails to connect to a target web page. There are several different causes for a broken link, including human error, technical failure and hacking. A temporary problem with the internet connection or the server can break a link, causing search engines to stop linking to that page. In some cases, this can happen without anyone noticing. A broken link can be difficult to identify because there are several different reasons it might happen. For that reason, you'll want to check all your links regularly and report any problems you find to the web owner.

Broken links can be quite problematic for internet marketers

Broken links can be quite problematic for internet marketers and website owners. Broken links drastically decrease the number of potential customers visiting your website. You'll also struggle to improve your ranking in search results when search engines stop linking to your pages. Regular web maintenance is necessary to avoid dropping down the ranks due to missing links. However, not all web owners take this seriously enough, resulting in further damage to their sites. Some would rather let broken links hurt their rankings than try to fix them.

Broken links are an inevitable part of using the internet as a means of communication or research. Regular web maintenance keeps your site up to date so broken links don't damage your rankings or lead potential customers astray. Kicking off a link check requires serious consideration if your site has frequent technical problems or if broken links damage your ranking in Google search results. In those cases, it'd be wise to contact the hosting company or webpage owner immediately so they can resolve the problem before any damage is done further down the line.


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