
Website Image File Size Checker | Optimize CSS & JS

Check your Website's Image File Sizes and Optimize your CSS and JS to Improve Page Loading Times

What does the lOOkkle.com Website Image File Size Checker?

The Website Image File Size Checker

at lookkle.com allows you to make a detailed exploration of all the files that make up your web page and the size of these files, indicating, through graphics, the dimensions of each file and if this positively affects your website, through tips.
The file size inspection tool of your web page analyzes the following:
  • Size of CSS files
  • Javascript file size
  • Size of all the images on your page
  • General graphics differentiating each type of file and the overall size they occupy on your website
  • General graphs where the possible size errors of each type of file are compared to the number of general files of this type on your page

A Website Image File Size Checker is a tool that analyzes the size and optimization of the images used on a web page.
Images are often the largest component of file size on most web pages, and they can affect the loading speed and user experience of the site.
By using a website image file size checker, you can identify the images that are too large or not optimized, and find ways to reduce their size and improve their quality.

Disadvantages of not using Website Image File Size Checker

An ideal size in the files of your web page directly affects the speed of this page:

  • An excessive size, whether in an image or a css file, can directly affect the loading speed of your page
  • An excessive file size and a slow loading speed of your web page directly affects the position given by the search results of the main search engines, since a search engine is not interested in showing slow web pages
  • An excessive file size and a slow loading speed of your web page has a direct impact on the user related to your pages, since a user desperate to see the content of a page that does not load properly, is a dissatisfied user who will abandon sooner or later your website
  • Users who spend a short time on your website due to the speed of loading and a low reputation in the main search engines makes the ranking of your website lower and lower on the Internet, or otherwise, never go up

Factors influencing page size

The size of a web page is determined by various factors:

  • Image and video content
    Images and videos are the most significant contributors to web page size.
    High-resolution images and videos take up a lot of space and can slow down the loading time of a web page.
    It is ideal to have a correct size of images and videos so that the web page does not take too long to load, so it is advisable to have a correct image and video format and if necessary compressed.
  • Code and script complexity
    Code and script complexity also affect web page size. The more complex the code and scripts, the larger the file size.
  • The number of HTTP requests
    The number of HTTP requests made by the web page also affects its size. The more requests made, the larger the file size.

Optimizing Web page File Size

Optimizing web page file size is crucial for several reasons:

  • It results in faster page load times, which is critical for user experience. Studies have shown that users tend to abandon websites that take more than three seconds to load.
  • It improves user experience by reducing the time it takes to access the content they want.
  • Optimizing web page file size can reduce bounce rates, which is the percentage of users who leave a website after viewing only one page.

Tools and techniques can be used to optimize web page file

Several tools and techniques can be used to optimize web page file size after using the Website Image File Size Checker:

  • One of the most effective ways to reduce image size is to use image optimization tools.
    These tools compress images without losing quality, resulting in smaller file sizes.
  • Minification of code and scripts.
    This involves removing unnecessary characters and spaces from the code, resulting in smaller file sizes.
  • Content delivery networks (CDNs) can be used to reduce the number of HTTP requests made by a web page.
    CDNs store website content on multiple servers worldwide, reducing the time it takes for users to access the content.

Increased Web speed by minifying Javascript Code

Minifying JavaScript refers to the process of reducing the size of code by removing unnecessary characters, such as whitespace, comments and line breaks.
When JavaScript code is minimized, the amount of data that must be downloaded is reduced, which translates into faster load times for a web page, increasing its speed.
There are several ways to minimize JavaScript code:

  • Using online tools:
    • UglifyJS
    • Close Compiler
    • JS Compress
    These tools are easy to use and can be used without any prior programming knowledge.
  • By means of tools to use in the Windows command line Power Shell or CMD for Windows, in the Linux Terminal or in the Mac Terminal:
    • Node.js
    • YUI Compressor
    These tools require some programming knowledge and may be more suitable for experienced developers.
  • Using manually minimized JavaScript code: removing unnecessary whitespace, comments and line breaks.
    While this method can be time-consuming, it allows more control over the final result.
    To ensure that the minimized JavaScript code works properly, it is essential to test and debug the code before implementing it on a live website.

Maintaining a backup copy of the original JavaScript code is important to avoid any loss of functionality. This is because minimizing JavaScript code can sometimes result in unexpected changes to the code, which can lead to compatibility issues with new versions of web browsers and web technologies.
Updating the minimized JavaScript code when necessary can help avoid these problems and ensure that the website remains functional and optimized.

Increased Web speed by using Image Optimization Tools

Images on a web page can contribute to slow page load times, increased bandwidth usage and storage costs.
Optimizing the sizes and formats of any images on a web page can help make a website faster, more efficient and provide a more positive user experience.

There are several techniques to optimize the size of images:

  • Resizing an image. Resizing involves adjusting the dimensions of an image using photo editing software such as photoshop, or a free online editing program such as tinypng.com.
  • Compressing an image. Compressing reduces the size of an image by removing some of its data, which can affect the quality of the image.
  • Crop an image. This involves removing unwanted areas of an image.
  • Removing unnecessary elements within the data contained by the image. Removing metadata can reduce search engine rankings.

Increase web speed by reducing the number of HTTP requests on a web page

Web pages that load slowly can cause frustration for users and decrease traffic and revenue for businesses.
A key factor that can significantly affect web speed is the number of HTTP requests made by a web page.
HTTP requests are made by a web browser to retrieve various resources needed to load a web page, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images and videos.
Each resource requires a separate HTTP request, and the more requests a web page makes, the longer it takes to load. This can lead to a poor user experience and a negative impact on search engine rankings. Therefore, it is crucial to reduce the number of HTTP requests to improve web speed.

There are several techniques that can be used to reduce the number of HTTP requests on a web page:

  • Combine CSS and JavaScript files. By combining several files into one, the web page can make a single HTTP request instead of multiple requests.
  • Use image sprites, which are a collection of images combined into a single file.
  • Minifying HTML, CSS and JavaScript code can also help reduce the number of HTTP requests.
    Minifying involves removing unnecessary characters from the code, such as whitespace and comments, to reduce file size and improve load time.

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